Category Archives: Skin Peeling

Environ Peels – why I would recommend them over other peels

By now most of you know that I totally approve of Environ skin care, and that I proudly use them in my clinic. The other day I went for the Environ Peel Training, so I can start offering my clients another service which is parallel-to-none in this industry – for safety and effectiveness.

I am writing a write-up about the Environ peels. Please bear with me, as it is quite long, but it is broken down into sections for those who want to skim through. It is written for clients who want to do an Environ peel at the clinic, but it is also written with the person in mind who wants to do a peel – as a word of caution before going for any peel out there. The photos at the end might not be as clear as I would have wished them to be, because they are taken from a powerpoint presentation, but you will get the idea.

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