Skin Cancer – Are You Over-Exposed?

Just knowing that sun exposure can give you cancer won’t protect you from the disease. As summer is here, take a look at your habits and learn your personal risks for skin cancer.

Researchers have identified several factors that increases your skin cancer risk. Check those that apply to you:

___ I have fair skin.
___ I have blue, green or grey eyes.
___ I have blonde or red hair.
___ I tend to burn or freckle rather than tan.
___ I have many moles and irregular moles.
___ I am older than 50.
___ I have had excesssive and/or unprotected exposure to UV rays (whether year-round or periodic) from frequent sunbanthing, tanning beds or sun lamps.
___ I had severe sunburns before age 20.
___ I have a history of working or spending lots of time outdoors.
___ I or close family members have had skin cancer.
___ I have a weakend immune system, due to diseases such as HIV, Lupus, etc.
___ I seldom use sunscreen outdoors.

The more statements you checked the higher your risk for developing skin cancer, including melanoma, a potentially life-threatening form.

More than a mole?

Check your skin monthly to spot:
1. moles that change shape, colour or size, OR
2. persistent patches or sores that don’t heal, OR
3. new growth.
These may be signs of skin cancer, so report them to your doctor right away. Keep an eye on your skin to catch trouble early so it can be treated more easily and effectively.

I’ll leave you with this video to watch:

This film was made possible thanks to the generosity of real Canadians and Americans whose lives have been touched by melanoma. These are not actors. We cannot thank this group enough for sharing their stories with us.

Thank you for watching & please pass this along.

If you would like to learn more:
Email Claire today
• Or call at 21 440 555 or 99 260 743 to book a free consultation with Claire

Claire Morawski is a skin therapist with over 8 years of experience in the industry. She is the owner and therapist at mySkinandCo. Contact mySKiN&CO today to book a skin-analysis consultation to be able to discuss your concerns further with Claire, and to see how Claire can help you achieve a healthy youthful skin.

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