I Apply Eye Cream at Night, but I Always Wake Up with Puffy Eyes. What’s the Matter?
The eye cream might be too rich. Switch to a gentler formula, such as Environ’s Ionzyme C-Quence Eye Gel. You could also be allergic to your eye-makeup remover.
The eye cream might be too rich. Switch to a gentler formula, such as Environ’s Ionzyme C-Quence Eye Gel. You could also be allergic to your eye-makeup remover.
Skin will be naturally drier in cold weather – in the absence of sunlight, it will produce less oil, resulting in a dull complexion and more visible lines.
The size of your pores is determined by your genes. You can minimise large pores on the nose, but it requires an intensive treatment performed by a trained therapist. Regular use of pore-minimising cream will help keep them clear of oily residue – minimising ingrained oily build-up will prevent them from appearing larger than they are.
Sometimes these broken capillaries can be genetic but they are usually the result of sun damage, smoking, harsh temperatures or treating skin roughly. Overindulgence in alcohol and very spicy food can also make them flare up.
Exfoliation is not recommended for sensitive skins – they need to maintain a healthy layer of dead skin cells (known as the horny layer) in order to prevent excessive water loss. Exfoliation strips this layer and can aggravate skin’s sensitivity.
By now most of you know that I totally approve of Environ skin care, and that I proudly use them in my clinic. The other day I went for the Environ Peel Training, so I can start offering my clients another service which is parallel-to-none in this industry – for safety and effectiveness.
I am writing a write-up about the Environ peels. Please bear with me, as it is quite long, but it is broken down into sections for those who want to skim through. It is written for clients who want to do an Environ peel at the clinic, but it is also written with the person in mind who wants to do a peel – as a word of caution before going for any peel out there. The photos at the end might not be as clear as I would have wished them to be, because they are taken from a powerpoint presentation, but you will get the idea.
Yes and no. Pre-cleansing helps you to double-clean skin, but if it still looks dull and tired, exfoliation with a clay-based mask will help to revitalise it.
However, exfoliation should be as gentle as possible – you don’t want to damage the skin’s surface by removing the outer protective layer. The clay ingredient will help to absorb any excess oils, but it doesn’t have any abrasive particles that would give your skin microscopic cuts – leading to a sensitive irritated skin.
An acidic toner will be beneficial for oily skin. It will pick up any leftover residue after cleansing and assist in maintaining the pH balance of the skin, which in turn will reduce the risk of infection.
Toners are often undervalued – but they do perform a very useful task in your beauty routine.
They help to complete the cleansing process, especially if you wear makeup, removing any stray residue or excess oil that can clog your pores.
Regardless of your age, soap is a no-no. It’s too harsh, as are soapy cleansers. Some people believe their skin should feel tight and tingly after cleansing. But that would indicate that you are actually harming and drying out your skin. Soaps are alkaline, which means they can strip the skin’s essential acid mantle and